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MIT Solve

PVI’s Wanji Games was selected in September 2017 as one of 11 winners of the MIT Solve Challenge “Youth, Skills and the Workforce of the Future”. The award, presented by Queen Rania of Jordan, came with modest financial support from both DFAT and the Atlassian Foundation that has allowed PVI to take the Wanji platform into Asia and develop a game for audiences in Cambodia at the same time that we are further refining the platform’s analytic capabilities.


As a Solve member, PVI joins a network of other Solve members – all like-minded innovators, looking for novel ways to solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges. This network came together in May 2018 for a major a event hosted on the MIT campus. The three-day event was designed to give members a chance to meet and build partnerships  as in pursuing their solutions to global challenges. Keynote speaker, Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau said that the best way to deal with the accelerating pace of profound changes in the world is to step up and help to influence how those changes unfold.

Phase II funding was announced at the event, including ongoing support from DFAT for PVI’s Wanji Games project  in the Indo-pacific region into 2019.